No border crisis, eh? How about migrant facilities at 730% capacity and hungry kids taking turns sleeping on floors?
· Mar 14, 2021 ·

Let's add no showers to top it off:

A "staggering number" of migrant children detained at a Border Patrol facility in south Texas face overcrowded conditions, with some held for as long as seven days, lawyers who interviewed them on Thursday told CBS News.

Neha Desai, a lawyer representing migrant youth in U.S. government custody, said she interviewed children who said they were hungry, as well as minors who only showered once in seven days.

"Some of the boys said that conditions were so overcrowded that they had to take turns sleeping on the floor," Desai added, citing interviews with nearly a dozen unaccompanied migrant children held at the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) holding facility in Donna, Texas.

On March 2, the Donna complex was holding more than 1,800 people — 729% of its pandemic-era capacity, which is designed for 250 migrants, according to an internal CBP document reviewed by CBS News.

Folks, this report is from CBS. State media. And even they can't put a rosy spin on it.

A "staggering number" of children. Hungry. Only allowed to shower once in a week. Facilities so overcrowded that kids have to take turns sleeping on the floor. Think about that. That's cattle-car-level crowded.

The facility is at 729% of its capacity!

The children interviewed included a young teenager in U.S. custody with her baby and an 8-year-old unaccompanied girl. Some of the children who traveled with older siblings were even younger, Desai said.

"There was a staggering amount of very young children," she said.

There's that word again. "A 'staggering' number of very young children."

Well at least, unlike under the evil Trump regime, these families are allowed to stay together, right? At least that will ease the trauma.

Many of the children were visibly emotional, Desai said, especially siblings of different genders who had been separated and placed in distinct sections of the Donna facility. The young detainees, Desai said, also reported not having access to outside activities. She said the children told her "about how they never saw the sun."

The minors Desai spoke to also said they had been denied phone calls to communicate with family members. "They were hysterically crying, wanting to talk to their family," she said.

There's a crisis at the border, ladies and gents. It's way worse than when Trump was in office. And any measure Trump took to fix the problem resulted in him being labeled a literal Nazi literally putting migrants in literal concentration camps.

Biden is blowing it, bigtime. The media is and will continue to run cover for him. But if this situation described above were under Trump -- hooo boy.

I am frankly shocked that corporate media like CBS is even reporting this. That's a testament to just how bad it is. Now if the media would just start holding Biden and his administration responsible...

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