Here's Fauci Pre-Pandemic Laughing At The "Paranoid" Idea That Masking Is Effective Against Infectious Disease
· Sep 15, 2021 ·

Remember how we were all told that masks don't work, then we were told that actually, they do work.

But if you're vaccinated you don't really need one, but, just kidding, everyone needs one regardless. And you have to wear a mask if you go to a baseball game, but if you're at a BLM rally they're optional.


From the beginning of the pandemic, the messaging on masks has been pretty confusing. But BEFORE Covid hit the shores of the US, and even early on, the message was pretty clear: Masks may help a little, but they aren't the most important thing.

If you say that now you get kicked off social media, of course. But if you said it in 2019, well then you'd be Anthony Fauci:




The interviewer, asking specifically about infectious disease, mentions masking as a way to prevent getting sick.

And Fauci interrupts him and laughs.

Interviewer: "The best way for me to prevent getting an infectious disease and prevent you form having to be my doctor is what? Wearing a mask?"

Fauci [Interrupting]: "No! No! No! Ha! ... You avoid all the paranoid aspects and do something positive."

According to the revered and infallible one, Dr. Anthony Fuaci, wearing a mask is a "paranoid" response, and is not a positive good you could do in preventing disease.

That's so funny, because since then Fauci and others act like a cloth mask is THE most effective defense against Coronavirus and other diseases. It's all about wearing the mask and now getting the vax.

And sure, you can argue that Covid is different than the flu and there are specific steps that need to be taken to stay healthy, but does that mean that all prior advice about preventing disease has gone out the window?

What does pre-Covid Fauci say is a non-paranoid and positive action to take in preventing disease?

"Good diet.. don't smoke... don't drink very much. Get some exercise, get good sleep. The normal, low-tech healthy things are the best things you can do."

"The normal, low-tech healthy things are the best things you can do."

"The normal, low-tech healthy things are the best things you can do."

That sounds less like Dr. Fauci and more like Joe Rogan!


Instead, we have to act like masks are the end-all of the pandemic. If everyone just muzzled themselves this all would be over.

When have you even heard the media or health experts talk recently about anything other than masks and vaccines?

Get in shape, protect yourself, make the best health decisions as you see fit, and don't listen to Dr. Fauci or his flippity-floppity, politically-charged "advice."

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