Gay Men's Chorus of Tampa Bay at Methodist church: "Of all the dangers kids face in the USA today, not one of them's a man in a skirt"
· Sep 6, 2024 ·

What in the United Methodist Church do we have here?

No, really, United Methodists, what the heck?

If child safety is your cause, then why not pass laws, that keep kids from getting hurt?

Of all the dangers kids face in the USA today not one of them's a man in a skirt...

Yeah, what a good point, there are lots of dangers out there, men dressed as women aren't one of them, right?

But! But! The Narrative™!

These clowns are, every last one, groomers.

What did they mean by this?

It's a land of entertainment, from Disney to Cabaret.

What's good and what is not, no one can truly say.

I'm serious when I say this. The Methodist Church that brings in the city's "Gay Men Chorus" to sing pro-drag and pro-trans songs is actively working against God.

Talk about losing your mind and losing your soul!

Thanks to Woke Preacher Clips for paging us about this last night.

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