Welcome to Seattle, where video shows an 8-time felon running over an 80-year-old woman after stealing her car
· Sep 6, 2024 · NottheBee.com

Here's what happens when your city decides to let 8-time felons back on the streets in the name of "equity."

[The worst of this video is censored but it is still horrific]

80-year-old dog walker, Ruth Dalton, was just trying to get some dogs to the park and got carjacked by an 8-time felon. And then — because why not rack up some more felonies — the man deliberately backed the car up over her and dragged her down the street, which ended her life.

On Tuesday, the King County Prosecuting Attorney's Office released a video showing Ruth Dalton in the moments before a carjacker stole her car and killed her. It happened on Aug. 20. The suspect in this case, Jahmed Haynes, is scheduled to appear in court on Thursday ...

Dalton, a well-known dog walker, had several dogs with her at the time. One dog fell out of the car at the beginning of the carjacking. Others escaped, presumably when authorities said Haynes pushed Dalton out of her car and back up over her …

Haynes is also accused of killing Dalton's dog, Prince.

An eight-time felon, still on the streets, still committing crimes — killing people on the streets of Seattle, even killing dogs — and we're supposed to act like it's racist or something to point out how ridiculous this is?

Give me a break!

This garbage needs to end, and it starts with liberal cities getting their act together and actually punishing criminals.

On a lighter note, a candlelight walk was held Wednesday night for Dalton.

Surprisingly, Jahmed Haynes is being held without a bail option.

I guess they draw the line at nine felonies in Seattle.

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