This black Pennsylvania voter says she's nervous about voicing her flip to Trump after realizing all the narratives about him were hogwash
· Sep 6, 2024 ·

Most Trump supporters don't have hats, yard signs, or bumper stickers because they are afraid of what will happen to them or their families.

Even voicing their opinion makes them nervous.

(The way the camera panned away... 😭)

Isn't it wild that you have to be nervous in our "democracy" about supporting the candidate that HALF THE POPULATION supports?

Each day, the insanely rich-and-powerful media conglomerates tell us that Trump is a fascist, authoritarian dictator who will destroy the little guy if he gets into power.

But right now, the little guy is suffering and Trump isn't in power.

Deep down, somewhere the powerful regime propaganda hasn't reached, the little guy realizes that Trump is the anti-establishment choice, and that the establishment has painted him as evil because the establishment doesn't want to lose power.

And because we humans intuitively understand what bad guys who feel threatened will do, the little guy is afraid to speak out against the Party of Tolerance™ and Freedom™, even though we supposedly live in a free country.

Wild times, folks.

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