Gotta squeeze in a last bit of wokeness before change comes!
With RFK preparing to take over the HHS from the creepy child mutilation enthusiasts who are currently running the show, the HHS made this non-satirical post to recognize "Transgender Awareness Week."
They posted this on the same day a real health secretary was announced to serve during Trump's second term:
And please note, "Transgender Awareness Week" is not to be confused with:
Trans Day of Remembrance on November 20
Trans Day of Visibility on March 31st
Day of Silence for trans students on April 12th
International Day Against Transphobia on May 17th
Harvey Milk Day on May 22nd
Pride Month the entire month of June
LGBTQ+ History Month in October
International Pronoun Day on October 16th
While current HHS leadership has been obsessed with mainstreaming the sexual mutilation of children for 4 years running, RFK has given us a little preview of what his priorities are, seen here:
Enough with the depraved woke nonsense. Change is coming.

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇