Homeless Teen Becomes High School Valedictorian
· Jun 9, 2024 · NottheBee.com

Nineteen-year-old, Elijah Hogan, was named one of two class Valedictorians at the charter school Walter L. Cohen High School in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Hogan began high school virtually during the pandemic, and during his time in high school, he lived at Covenant House, a youth homeless shelter.

Hogan said he would not have been able to achieve this milestone if not for the support of staff at the shelter, teachers at school, and his fellow students. He told GMA,

I have people that were there to help me get through it. And without them I wouldn't have been where I'm at now as a valedictorian.

In his Valedictorian speech, Hogan said he wanted to present it as a thank-you note to everyone who had helped him along the way.

When asked what his advice was for other youth who are inspired by his story, he encouraged them,

There is a time and place where you can have fun, but try to keep yourself organized on some of your education as well, because without your education, you will not be able to get through the hardships and meet the people that helped you along the way.

Hogan has plans to attend Xavier University of Louisiana in the Fall where he hopes to major in Graphic Design.

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