New York City is paying people to narc on delivery drivers who leave their trucks idling too long
ยท Mar 20, 2022 ยท

New York City was once called "the city of dreams," obviously by someone with a twisted sense of humor. Nevertheless, it's the case that if you dream of being a complete and total toadie for the city government, you can still make it there:

[The city promotes a] benign-sounding but often raucous Citizens Air Complaint Program, a public health campaign that invites โ€” and pays โ€” people to report trucks that are parked and idling for more than three minutes, or one minute if outside a school. Those who report collect 25 percent of any fine against a truck by submitting a video just over 3 minutes in length that shows the engine is running and the name of the company on the door.

The program has vastly increased the number of complaints of idling trucks sent to the city, from just a handful before its creation in 2018 to more than 12,000 last year.

In New York you got a few ways to make money. You can open a bodega. You can run a Wall Street money company. You can run a vintage video game shop in Greenwich Village. And you can do this:

Beware of this industry's hazards, though:

...Some of those complaints turn menacing when truck drivers react.

"I go out thinking I'm going to get assaulted," said Ernest Welde, 47, an environmental attorney. "I've had my bags stolen by truck drivers. I've been physically assaulted. I've had to call the police a couple of times."

Maybe you could, ya know, stop being such a little tattle-tale weenie and let men do their jobs.

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