Remember way back in the ancient times of 2019 when you could get a dozen eggs for under a buck?
Remember last year when those prices started climbing and it seemed like $2.50 for a carton was bad?
Buckle up.
At my local store today, I saw eggs that were $4.59 for the cheap carton.
Some of you are paying even more.
Think about that. Just over two years ago, you were paying less than 10 cents for an egg. You could make yourself a large breakfast omelet with five eggs for half a dollar.
Now you're paying $2-$3 for the same thing.
Heck, just a few years ago, you could get a pretty large omelet at Waffle House or Denny's for three bucks! Those were good times. Too bad Joe Biden had to build us back "better."

For decades, the price of eggs, milk, and bread have been good indicators of what's happening in the market. Those indicators are telling us it's gonna get worse.
Boy oh boy do I wish I could get a larger piece of land and have my own chickens right now.
(Except housing and interest rates are sky high...)
Good thing Joe and the clapping seals signed that Inflation Reduction Act!