The police actions in Uvalde have to be the most gut-wrenching example of cowardice, incompetence, and dereliction of duty that I have ever seen in my life.
- The gunman was shooting outside the school for 12 minutes before entering, despite the police department being 4 minutes away.
- Armored officers with shields were in the school within 3 MINUTES of the gunman entering the classroom, but never checked to see if the door was unlocked (it was) and sat there for over AN HOUR (!!) while LITTLE KIDS WERE BEING MURDERED.
- Despite the fact that the town has a freaking SWAT team, the police were extremely unprepared. The chief didn't have a radio and had to send communications with a landline phone. He then told the officers in the school to stand down while the body count was stacking up.
- The men who finally took the killer down were Border Patrol agents who defied the local chief's orders.
- Officers stopped parents who tried to get into the school, detaining them as they desperately tried to do what the police were too impotent and cowardly to do.
- Other police tried to cover for this lily-livered insanity by saying the officers "could have been shot."
One federal agent was at a nearby barbershop when his wife, a teacher at the school, texted him about the shooter. He literally jumped up, grabbed his barber's shotgun, and sped off to the school.
Once there, he had to convince the local police to let him – instead of the billion armored cops on scene – mount a rescue of students and teachers in other classrooms, including his wife and daughter.
He managed to rescue his wife.
Ruben Ruiz wasn't so lucky.
Shocking testimony from the Texas DPS director on Tuesday has revealed even more insight into the "abject failure" of response to the Uvalde shooting that occurred on May 24.
Texas Department of Public Safety Director Col. Steven McCraw revealed that the husband of slain elementary teacher Eva Mireles tried to save her but was barred from doing so.
Ruben Ruiz is a police officer for the school district and was on the scene after the gunman entered the school and opened fire.
McCraw said Mireles called Ruiz and told him that "she had been shot and was dying."
"And what happened to him, is he tried to move forward into the hallway," McCraw said. "He was detained and they took his gun away from him and escorted him off the scene."
This man wanted to do what every fiber of his being told him to do: Rescue his wife. Save the little kids.
And the other police on scene stopped him.
This wasn't an issue of putting children's lives in danger. The gunman was already taking his time slaughtering 19 kids and two teachers, enjoying it as the police stood outside for an hour listening to the screams and the shots.
The only risk was to Ruiz's life, and he was more than willing to trade it (like an actual man) for the lives of his wife and her students.
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇