The Pentagon is finally dropping the vax mandate for the military
· Jan 11, 2023 ·

Now that the damage has largely been done, the Pentagon is going to finally rescind its military vaccine mandate.

Meaning that if you are one of the very few military members who has fought against the mandate for the last two years, your government is going to stop harassing you over a personal medical decision.

From The Post Millennial:

On Tuesday, the Pentagon dropped its vaccine mandate for military service members following legislation signed into law in December giving the Pentagon 30 days to rescind the mandate.

According to the Associated Press, the Department of Defense had begun ceasing all actions related to personnel who haven't received the shot shortly after the legislation was signed on December 23, including discharging troops who refused the vaccine.

Kevin McCarthy and Republicans slipped this anti-vaccine mandate language into a piece of military funding legislation that was certainly going to be signed, so now the military members who refused the jabby jab are protected.

But Lloyd Austin and the Pentagon aren't through hounding the military.

"The Department will continue to promote and encourage COVID-19 vaccination for all service members," Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said in the memo. "Vaccination enhances operational readiness and protects the force."

Austin added in the memo, "the ability of commanders to consider, as appropriate, the individual immunization status of personnel in making deployment, assignment, and other operational decisions, including when vaccination is required for travel to, or entry into, a foreign nation."

So, they're still going to give special privileges and give out assignments based on medical discrimination. But at least you won't be fired now.

The other shortcoming of this repeal is for the thousands who were already discharged for refusing the Fauci ouchie. They won't be reinstated and almost certainly won't receive back pay.

For not complying with the vaccine mandate, more than 8,400 troops were forced out of the military, while thousands others sought religious or medical exemptions.

Austin wrote in the memo that the Pentagon's mandate "will leave a lasting legacy in the many lives we saved, the world-class force we have been able to field, and the high level of readiness we have maintained, amidst difficult public health conditions."

Yeah, mandating that military men and women, young people who are among the lowest risk of having covid, get the experimental shot saved SO many lives.

And I'm sure that those who received the shot are now more physically healthy than ever thanks to the miracle drug!

Austin added that those who sought exemptions and were denied will have their records updated, and any letters of reprimand issued would be removed.

Those that were discharged, Austin said, could petition their military service to request a change in "characterization of their discharge."

So apparently, the military was officially reprimanding anyone who SOUGHT A LEGAL EXEMPTION?

They didn't just deny all the exemption requests, they reprimanded soldiers who used the system. Then if they were dishonorably discharged for refusing the jab, you had to beg them to change the status of your discharge.

While the mandate being repealed is a good thing, there are still many wrongs that need to be righted when it comes to the military's vax mandate, including the truth on why the Pentagon did an about-face while healthy kids are dropping dead suddenly all over the place.

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