"Stuff people have left on other planets" is a very narrow category. There's probably, what, less than four dozen human-made objects sitting on alien surfaces across the solar system, right?
But the artist Jeff Koons—known for his balloon animal sculptures—is planning to drastically increase that number in one fell swoop:
Koons, one of the most celebrated and expensive living artists, is famed for kitsch pieces such as "Ballon Dog" and "Rabbit," and his work is exhibited in galleries around the world.
His latest project "Moon Phases" consists of physical sculptures that will be left permanently on the lunar surface in a transparent, thermally coated miniature satellite, the Pace Gallery in New York said.
Koons will also make unique digital versions of the sculptures -- marking his entry into the lucrative new world of NFTs (non-fungible tokens).
Ahnh the sculptures will be "left permanently on the lunar surface in a transparent, thermally coated miniature satellite." I get it.
If I'm being honest, I was very much picturing that these things would just kinda be... you know... bombarded onto the moon's surface from orbit. I'm 100% serious.

I guess the satellite thing makes more sense though.
Anyway, it's not clear what these sculpture will look like, but here's some shots of Koons's other works:
So I'd say we're looking at a choice between balloon animals or the Energizer Bunny or Play-Doh.
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