This, well, this is just awful.
A Congregational Church in Minnesota held an "Interfaith Pride Celebration" service the Sunday before last and used it to sell the false idea that God is totally on board with LGBTQ madness.
Just watch how these old liberal white ladies butcher Noah's ark:
I didn't think that God has a sense of outrage but, apparently SHE does! So, in a fit of rage...

Look at those kids... Ready those millstones...
(This is what Satan does to your brain)
The end of the story is, somehow, even more wild. After God destroyed the earth, here's what this woke lady wants us to think.
When God saw all of that mess, all of those beautiful things and people that had been destroyed by the water, well, he God kind of... regretted that and so, God said to Noah and his family, I'm never going to do that again. Even when people do bad things, I'm going to find a way to love them anyway. And you know how you can tell that I'm never gonna do that again? I'm going to put a rainbow in the sky, and every time you see that rainbow, you'll know I'll never do that bad thing again.
This lady wants you to know that GOD is the one who sinned. Even though the Bible is clear that the flood came because God regretted making man (Genesis 6:6) due to mankind's rampant sin and wickedness, she wants you to think that God REGRETTED the flood he made in a "fit of rage."
She is so warped that she thinks God will never judge again because of how evil the flood was!
This is the most anti-biblical message I could even imagine. It's the exact opposite of the truth of the Bible.
God will not overlook our sins, as you proclaim. He is coming to judge the living and the dead, and all who live in sin apart from the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ will spend eternity in hell apart from everything good.
On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?' And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.'
Of course, that's not the only blasphemous false teaching at this service. There's also this call and response from the depths of hell:
What a bunch of hooey. Repent!
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