For many parts of the country, "super cold" means somewhere below, say, 10 degrees Fahrenheit. For Florida it means "any temperature where you have to wear a long-sleeve shirt."
And when it gets below freezing...well watch out!
Florida weather forecasters are warning iguanas may be falling out of trees this weekend as the Sunshine State goes through a cold snap.
Temperatures in the usually balmy state are expected to plunge this weekend, hitting below freezing in some areas, meaning the cold-blooded lizards raining down to the ground...
The phenomenon isn't uncommon when frigid weather hits Florida. In 2020, the National Weather Service Miami-South Florida issued a warning ahead of a deep chill.
Ah, yes: In addition to the trope of the "Florida Man," we can also chortle at the "Florida Forecast," wherein if it gets cold enough you might just get pelted by a comatose lizard.

Okay, apparently it's actually no joke though:
The animals can grow several feet long and weigh up to 25 pounds, which can be dangerous to people — and sidewalks — when they torpedo out of a tree, the report said.
Yeah let's just say it sounds like being in Florida during a cold snap could be quite terrifying... not knowing if you're gonna be next... not knowing what's gonna come out of the trees...

Florida folks: This weekend, wear a hardhat if you gotta go out. You can't be too safe, not where falling lizards are concerned.
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