MaiL-iN vOtInG tOtAlLy WoRkS: Michigan clerks reject 10k+ mail-in ballots!
· Aug 18, 2020 ·

During the August 4 primary, Michigan election clerks rejected nearly 11,000 mail-in ballots!

Reasons they were rejected include...

Ballot arrived after Election Day

I'm sure everyone who is used to voting on Election Day was totally aware they needed to plan far enough in advance to make sure their ballots arrived in time... especially when the USPS has warned that there may be delivery issues.

Nonetheless, 6,400 ballots arrived too late to be counted.

No signature on the envelope

Kind of an important step for anyone who wants their vote counted. Remember... voting is a lot like buying a house:

  1. It's an investment in your future.
  2. No matter how carefully you research everything, you still end up getting screwed over.
  3. Your signature is very important!

2,225 ballots were rejected because they missed the signature on the envelope!

Voter moved out of jurisdiction after submitting their ballot

I kind of get this. I mean, you want to vote, but you got screwed over in the home-buying process and have to move. You're probably not going to receive a ballot for your new jurisdiction in time. What are you supposed to do?

1,111 ballots were rejected because the voter moved to another jurisdiction after submitting the ballot.

The voter was... dead

Look, I love democracy as much as anyone... but at some point, you need to know when to quit!

846 dead people somehow found the ability to vote.

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