Melania Trump says "the silence around" the attempt to end her husband's life "feels heavy," tells Americans "we need to uncover the truth"
ยท Sep 10, 2024 ยท

Remember how a deranged lunatic casually walked around the perimeter of a presidential speech with a gun, spent hours surveilling it with a drone, climbed on top of a roof, took his time sighting in his rifle, and nearly took the head off a president?

Remember how that history-changing event was only two months ago?

Are you still seeing it in the news?

Why not?

No one has been held accountable for those security failures, save for a few suspended agents and a Secret Service director who only resigned because there was too much heat.

Remember ๐Ÿ‘‡

Don't let them bury this story.

Drag it kicking and screaming back into the light.

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