Appeals courts in Michigan, North Carolina rule RFK can have his name taken off the ballot
ยท Sep 6, 2024 ยท

Well, here's some great news for the Trump campaign. A Michigan appeals court has ruled that RFK, as he requested, can, and will, have his name removed from the presidential ballot in the Great Lakes State.

The full text:

Plaintiff sought to have his name withdrawn from the ballot in advance of the upcoming general election. While the request was made close to the deadline for defendant to give notice of candidates to local election officials, it was not made so late that laches should apply. Additionally, we conclude that the absence of any statutory authority prohibiting his withdrawal gave plaintiff a clear legal right to have his name removed from the ballot. Defendant had no ability to disregard that request. And, at this point, no other remedy aside from mandamus is available to plaintiff, given the impending deadline for defendant to send notice to local election officials. Finally, removing plaintiff from the ballot is a ministerial task. See Barrow v Detroit Election Comm, 301 Mich App 404, 412; 836 NW2d 498 (2013). Accordingly, we hold that plaintiff is entitled to

mandamus relief and that defendant shall remove plaintiff's name from the ballot, as requested.

We REVERSE and REMAND for entry of an order granting immediate mandamus relief.

This order has immediate effect. MCR 7.215(E)(2). We do not retain jurisdiction.

So his name will not be on the ballot come election time. And therefore he will not eat into the Trump vote in a critical swing state.

This just over a week after Michigan refused to let him off the ballot.

RFK has also been removed from the North Carolina ballot โ€” another swing state.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. won two appeals Friday as he seeks to have his name removed from state ballots, delaying the expected first mailing of absentee ballots of the 2024 elections.

In North Carolina, an appeals court said Kennedy should be removed from the ballot, a ruling that would require counties to reprint ballots which were expected to be mailed beginning Friday.

Great news for the 2024 election!

Next stop: Wisconsin!

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