A win for equity! Fox News wants you to know Missouri will be the first state to execute a "trans woman"
· Jan 3, 2023 · NottheBee.com

While some states like Maine are treating "trans women" as if they are actual women and placing them in women's prisons, the state of Missouri seems to be a little less confused on the issue.

Yeah, Fox News is now calling men "trans women."

Missouri may be the first state to ever execute a transgender woman in the United States, unless the state's governor grants clemency, according to reports.

Amber McLaughlin, 49, is a transgender woman and is scheduled to be executed by lethal injection Tuesday after being found guilty of killing a former girlfriend in 2003.

McLaughlin was tried as Scott McLaughlin and did not transition until after being sentenced to prison.

So, this dude Scott killed his girlfriend.

Then, after being sentenced to death, he pretended to be a woman.

But Scott is now trying to use his new status as a "member" of the fairer sex and a "minority" to plead for mercy, since it is rare for a woman to be executed.

McLaughlin was ultimately convicted of first-degree murder in 2006 and sentenced to death after a jury deadlocked on the sentence, AP reported. In 2016, a court ordered a new sentencing hearing, but in 2021, the federal appeals court panel reinstated the death penalty.

With no appeals pending, McLaughlin's attorney, Larry Komp, told AP that clemency is being sought.

The request for clemency does not primarily focus on McLaughlin's gender identity but instead on traumatic childhood and mental health issues that were never presented to a jury during trial...

"We think Amber has demonstrated incredible courage because I can tell you there's a lot of hate when it comes to that issue," Komp told AP on Monday. But he added it is not the focus of the clemency request.

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson is reviewing the request for clemency, which a spokesperson for the governor told AP is still underway.

The Death Penalty Information Center, according to AP, said there is no known case of a transgender inmate being executed in the U.S.

We don't need the traumatic past to know this man is deeply disturbed.

The fact that he murdered his ex and then put on lipstick tells us all we need to know.

But of course Fox News, longing to follow in the footsteps of leftists nearly as much as the Republican Party, capitulates not only to woke language, but to complete falsehood.

This is also the state's first use of the death penalty on a woman since the U.S. Supreme Court reinstated capital punishment in 1976, according to U.S. House of Representative members Cori Bush and Emanuel Cleaver, who urged Parson to grant clemency.

Before 1976, the only woman ever executed in the state was Bonnie B. Heady, AP said. She was executed in a gas chamber on Dec. 18, 1953, for kidnapping and killing a 6-year-old boy.

My goodness, Fox. McLaughlin is NOT a woman.

What a disappointment.

McLaughlin is a dangerous MAN who committed a capital offense and deserves the most severe punishment possible.

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