Mom forces her sons to fall prostrate and worship black women. Tell me again how Wokeism isn't a religion.
· Jan 11, 2021 ·

Secular Leftism (known academically by anthropologists as "Wokeism") is a religion. A good litmus test for finding adherents of Wokeism is to ask them their pronouns, their feelings on CNN, and their opinion on the idea of church and state (they are usually the most ardent supporters of separation, by which they really mean that their religion should be the church of the state).

We've seen the sacraments of this increasingly-popular faith develop in recent years, with renouncing your privilege replacing repentance, abortion replacing baptism, sexual indulgence replacing marriage, Instagramming your climate activism replacing the Eucharist, and bowing down to intersectional minority groups replacing worship.

A great example of the later can be seen in this viral TikTok video, where white mom Justine Champion celebrates President Donald Trump's departure from the White House. She credits black women for this result, and then subsequently has her boys fall prostrate and bow to these women:

"Black women are the reason that Donald Trump is no longer going to be our president," she says as her sons bow low to the ground in worship. "All hail black women!"

If there was any doubt as to her motives and beliefs, Champion captioned the video, "Me teaching my white boys how to behave."

Apparently, she's now deleted the video after pushback, with people rightly calling it cringeworthy.

"If you want to go onto my page and see some of my content, you can see some of the things [I] regularly do, the actions that I take to help the communities that are marginalized in the United States," said Champion as she tried to justify the video.

Ohhhh, I get it now! This is about all the wonderful things you do for the poor little people that need your magnificence. Whatever would they do without you???

As author Shelby Steele has noted, such egotistical displays are hardly about helping disadvantaged individuals or bringing about true justice: they are simply about making one feel morally superior. To that end, such videos are about as narcissistic and racist as they come.

This aside, however, I want to focus less on the delusional mother and more on the boys in this video. These little guys are being taught that their very existence is an offense – that because of their ethnicity and gender they are at the very bottom of the societal totem pole, not worthy of standing as equals. Champion says it took five takes to get her little boys to properly pray to black woman with their faces in the dirt. They are, quite literally, being forced to prostrate themselves like trash before other subjectively-defined identity groups.

Instead of learning to be bold, wise, courageous men who seek to bring justice, love, and mercy to the world around them, they are being degraded, demeaned, and devalued by their own mother.

Such sacrifices are often required, it appears, on the Altar of Wokeism.

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