I do not envy most artists these days, given that a single "misgendered" Olympic swimmer or inadvertent "cultural appropriation" can be the end of one's career. It's no easy times.
But this is America, and as Calvin Coolidge once said, "the chief business of the American people is business." So naturally somebody's found a way to make some money out of this:
In recent years, entertainment executives have vowed to make a genuine commitment to diversity, but are still routinely criticized for falling short. To signal that they are taking steps to address the issue, Hollywood studios have signed contracts with numerous companies and nonprofits to help them avoid the reputational damage that comes with having a movie or an episode of a TV show face accusations of bias.
"When a great idea is there and then it's only talked about because of the social implications, that must be heartbreaking for creators who spend years on something," Ms. Twigg said. "To get it into the world and the only thing anyone wants to talk about are the ways it came up short. So we're trying to help make that not happen."
LOL! The idea that you can "make that not happen"—the idea that woke warriors are going to ever be satisfied even if you make your film the most culturally sensitive, politically correct dirge in the history of the world...come on. Try that and this is what the woke will tell you:

They'll never quit! We all know it.
But hey, look, nobody can say that these places aren't earning their six-figure consulting checks:
Ms. Sugihara said her group could be actively involved throughout the production process. In one example, she said she told a studio that all of the actors playing the heroes in an upcoming scripted project appeared to be light-skinned East Asian people whereas the villains were portrayed by darker-skinned East Asian actors.
What an exciting time in cinema. You can just picture the moviegoers watching this new generation of movies with awe and delight and wokeness.

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