Jussie Smollett to head back to jail after Illinois appeals court upholds conviction
· Dec 1, 2023 · NottheBee.com

Everyone's favorite anti-Trump hoaxer is heading back to jail after an Illinois appellate court upheld his prior conviction for lying to the cops.

The three-judge panel affirmed the conviction by a 2-1 vote. Smollett's lawyers can appeal this decision to the Illinois Supreme Court, which will decide whether to hear the case.

Unless the Supreme Court reverses the appeals court ruling, Smollett must complete the 150-day jail sentence handed down in 2022. He spent only six days behind bars before he was released while he appealed his conviction.

In case you're super behind on this story, or if you missed it, Victor Davis Hanson had the best-ever description of the Smollett case:

Sorry buddy, it doesn't pay to make up a race hoax, even if you're on the side of the woke!

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