New Yorker finds $100,000 in $100 bills while ... magnet fishing 🤯
· Jun 9, 2024 ·

This is a magnet fisherman's dream.

James Kane has fished all sorts of junk out of New York City waterways using a magnet, including bicycles, guns, grenades, more guns, and jewelry (did I mention the guns? 😬)

But finding stacks on stacks of $100 bills in a safe has to be his best find yet!

His girlfriend, Barbi Agostini, thought he was kidding when he said their lives were about to take a dramatic turn. She was filming as Kane pulled a slimy safe out of a lake in Flushing Meadows Corona Park and found bags of damaged, waterlogged Benjamins inside.

The couple estimated the safe had about $100,000 in cash.

The bills had the 3D security ribbon, showing they were pretty recent, but the safe didn't have any hints about who it belonged to. Kane and Agostini said they called the police to report what they found, and the cops said there was no sign of a crime.

They gave it to us, as, I guess you call it a finders keepers thing.

Although some of the bills are probably too damaged to recover, they are planning to take their wet cash to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Washington to see how much they can get back.

The money would deteriorate more with touch.

Barbi Agostini

Barbi Agostini

With their newfound wealth, the couple has some big plans! They intend to invest in a new vehicle and upgrade their content creation gear for their YouTube channel "Let's Get Magnetic."

I have seen and worked with other magnet fishers that can hit a spot for three months, and I'll come along and throw the same magnet and get and find something that they've been trying to get the entire time.

I personally can't explain that.

Kane and Agostini have been magnet fishing all over the five boroughs and other parts of the country while documenting it on their social media pages. There is definitely something oddly satisfying about watching junk being pulled out of the water.

You can watch them talk about their big find here:

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