Concerned parents, also known as "domestic terrorists" showed up at another Loudon County School Board meeting to protest their insane policies regarding Covid-19.
Loudon County continues to prove that they are the absolute worst school district in the United States.
Newly elected Governor Glenn Youngkin, in one of his first acts, banned mandatory masking in Virginia Schools. But leftist strongholds like Loudon County are continuing their mandates in defiance of the Governor's order, and parents, rightly, are not happy about it.
These videos were taken at a Loudon County School Board meeting. There are more than 20 videos of parents absolutely savaging the school board, here are some of the highlights.
[Mild language ahead]
Kids that won't wear masks aren't allowed on the bus in Loudon County. They're segregated at school. Some kids are forced into auditoriums or libraries where they can "social distance" and some kids are put into offices by themselves and given busy work to do.
They are being segregated and not actually being taught. Literally.
I'm sure the school board and proponents of the policy believe that it's totally fine.
It's separate but equal.

There are plenty of more burns ahead:
Ten day... suspensions [for the unmasked] versus one day suspension for a rape? Stop using our children as pawns!
You guys are a bunch of friggin' hypocrites! You don't even follow the mask mandates yourself, but you want to mask our children for 7+ hours a day?
Speaking of the sexual assaults the district covered up:
Moving on:
When people say a mask isn't harming students, my response to that disgusting gaslighting is that I promise you, my son's learning is inhibited by his mask. Stop using him as a shield for fearful adults, stop teaching him that if you're afraid it's acceptable to harm others to mitigate your fear.
This kid was treated horribly, which is not a shock in this public school.
Honestly, it felt like solitary confinement.
What are we allowing to happen to our kids?
This is an ER physician spitting straight facts about the anti-scientific nonsense that is masking children in schools.
You should click through the link and watch all the videos. They are heartbreaking and this school board is probably the most despicable and corrupt institution in the United States.
Here are also students who walked in maskless to school this week:
It's outrageous and it's good to see parents and their kids standing up to this kind of evil.