On June 29, 34-week-pregnant Brandy Bottone was pulled over on Texas Highway 75 on suspicion of using the carpool (HOV) lane without a passenger.
And sure, there were no passengers in any of the other seats, but Bottone lives in post-Roe America, so she pulled out one of the grandest legal arguments known to man.

While Brandy probably thinks this is a dunk on conservatives, it sure isn't.
Cuz she has a point!
Here's Brandy:
"[The officer] starts peeking around. He's like, 'Is it just you?' And I said, 'No there's two of us?'" Bottone told the Dallas Morning News.
She then told the officer that she had a right to drive in the HOV lane because she was not alone in the car.
"My baby girl is right here. She is a person," she told the officer, pointing to her stomach. Bottone was initially in the HOV lane as she was hurrying to pick up her 1-year-old son.
Bottone also cited the Supreme Court's recent decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization and claimed her unborn child was a separate, unique individual in the car, FOX 4 reported.
"And then I said, 'Well (I'm) not trying to throw a political mix here, but with everything going on (with Roe v. Wade), this counts as a baby,'" Bottone said, per the Dallas Morning News.
And she should count as a baby!
I'm calling it right now: Pregnant women should be allowed to use the carpool lane.
They probably have more important places to be than you do!
Doctor visits, nesting stops at Target, McDonald's ice cream…
And so much more!
Your hurry is nothing compared to a pregnant woman's. And she'll drop you like a bad habit, buddy, if you wanna play games.
K sorry.
I don't know if Brandy was really trying to dunk here or if she just needed a way out of the ticket, but look at this:
The unconvinced officer said HOV lane rules require two persons "outside the body" and subsequently issued Bottone a $215 citation. He reportedly told her that if she contests the ticket, then it will likely be dropped, Dallas Morning News reported.
The times, they are a-changing.
Time to make room for pregnant women in the carpool lane!
Get this ticket dropped, Brandy!
Last, I know this is nowhere near a "prophesy fulfilled," but this story reminded me of a classic Babylon Bee skit:
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