Philadelphia is one of the great "street cities" of the country—it's got wide, beautiful avenues, promenades, close-quarter neighborhood side streets, it's a real pleasure to walk around there. Why, Bruce Springsteen once made a very successful music video doing just that.

Alas, these days, like so many Democratic-run municipalities, Philadelphia is unfortunately a very dangerous city to walk around it. Thugs and criminals have had free license there for a while. But after this week, two of them will probably think twice about doing it again:
A Philadelphia man was seen on dramatic video turning the tables on two would-be armed robbers as he wrestled a gun away from one suspect and shot a second suspect who rushed him at gunpoint on Monday afternoon. ...
The victim wrestled the gun away from the first suspect, and while still on the ground, a second suspect runs from down the street and began firing, the video shows. The victim returned fire and appeared to strike the second suspect at least once.
This is reckless. It's bold. It's brave. It's admirable.
And this was no mere tussle. This dude threw the criminal down on the ground and was really going to town on him:

Muggings would probably happen a lot less frequently if criminals were always afraid of something like this happening.
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇