It's always exciting when President Unity comes out to give us all a lecture on how divided we are.
For his Christmas address to the nation, Joe Biden lamented that the country was so dang divided.
Our politics has gotten so angry, so mean, so partisan and too often we see each other as enemies not neighbors. As Democrats and Republicans, not as fellow Americans. We've become too divided.
Thank you president unity! This will bring the country together!
Sure, things are more divided than ever. But it's because of the "Neanderthals" that love their freedom too much, right?
Or maybe the undesirable unvaxxed who could bring so much unity if they only got the shot, but instead brought about a winter of death last year?
President Unity also called people who opposed his federalized voting bill "domestic enemies."
Then there was his speech with the blood-red background where he laid into anyone who disagrees with him:
But now he's acting so upset because we treat each other as enemies?