Rainbow-colored toys seized for being "un-Islamic" in Qatar
· Dec 23, 2021 · NottheBee.com
Toronto Sun

Here in the west we see rainbow flags everywhere we go– pride flags fly high and proud and are in almost every store window.

But in Qatar... that doesn't really fly too well (pun intended).

Homosexuality is illegal in Qatar. That means no rainbow flags to be seen!

Which explains the horror they must have felt when they came across rainbow-colored toys!

That just wont do in a suppressed Islamic dictatorship.

According to officials, the toys were contrary to "Islamic values."

So, naturally, they went around raiding stores and seizing all rainbow-themed toys.

You know... for the children's safety.

Here's the story:

The country's ministry of commerce and industry carried out raids on retail outlets and "the campaigns resulted in the seizure and release of several violations, including the confiscation of children's toys bearing slogans that go against Islamic values."

It also encouraged snitching: "The ministry urges all citizens and residents to report any product bearing logos or designs contrary to our traditions."

How many colors does it take to make a rainbow anyway?

Sooner or later, Qatar will only allow strictly black or white toys, products, clothes (already do for the second class citizens – women), and everything else!

So, will the woke mob finally come after Islam for banning the precious colors of the rainbow?

Of course not... that would be iSLaMoPhObIc!

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