Report: Hunter Biden's lawyer pretended to be a Republican lawyer yesterday to block the release of evidence before his court appearance today
· Jul 26, 2023 ·

This Hunter Biden thing is starting to reach comical/absurd levels.

The latest reporting from the Hunter Biden case, where he's expected to plead guilty today to a couple of minor crimes, is something out of a sitcom.

According to reports from the Republican lawyers, one of Hunter Biden's attorneys PRETENDED to be one of the GOP lawyers on the phone to get the judge to throw out some particularly damaging evidence against Hunter Biden, hoping that no one would notice.

No, this isn't a storyline from Arrested Development or Veep. It's actually what's happening with the president's son today.

Hunter is getting away with a slap on the wrist, but that's not good enough for him. He wanted to try to escape the meager consequences and embarrassment that would come with this evidence.

After pulling this trick, the court contacted the House Ways & Means attorneys to confirm that they had taken the evidence out, then the GOP lawyers were like, "What the heck? No!"

That's when they put the puzzle pieces together and reached out to Hunter's lawyer to ask what the heck he was thinking and boy did he work his lawyer magic.

Here's the back and forth from the lawyers and the court:

So, what happened? A Biden flunkie apparently called the court pretending to work for the Republicans to get the document removed.

"Hi Ted, Following up on our recent telephone conversation, the woman who called was a Jessica Bengels," confirmed court official Samantha Grimes. "… She said she worked with Theodore Kittila and it was important the document was removed immediately or they could file a motion to seal. I do deeply apologize for all the confusion on our part."

Bengels is the director of litigation services at the New York-based law firm of Latham & Watkins, where Hunter Biden attorney Chris Clark was formerly a partner.

Last night, Hunter's team complied with the court and wrote out an affidavit swearing that it was all simply a miscommunication and that they never intended to deceive anyone.

They said they were just trying to protect Hunter's social security number and personal information, of course!

Maybe this will affect Hunter's sweetheart deal today, but given the fact that he was given the opportunity to take the plea deal in the first place, I don't see anything changing.

As for Hunter's other lawyers...

What a clown show.

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