The media wants you to think SCOTUS was extreme for allowing Idaho to ban gender procedures on kids. Let's review the data, shall we?
· Apr 16, 2024 ·

Kids in Idaho will now be protected from a religious ideology that believes imposing sterilization drugs, hormones, and genital surgery on children is a good thing.

On sensitive issues, we do try to write objectively (we even use AP Style when we want to be fancy).

But sometimes, you just need to celebrate a win. This right here is a win.

Justices Neil Gorsuch, Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett all sided with Idaho Attorney General Raúl Labrador who appealed to the court to turn back a sweeping injunction placed on the law by a federal judge who completely blocked the law. Justices Ketanji Brown Jackson, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan all dissented.

It can't be stated enough how frustrating the current Court is to the woke zeitgeist that truly believes that gender mutilation is "care," that killing babies is a "right," and that racism against whites is okay. Thank God for this SCOTUS majority that believes otherwise.

The fake news, however, wants you to be very upset about this ruling:

"Gender-affirming care..."

"Transgender teens..."

These are philosophical terms that tell you what side the media is on. They frame it as a ban on "care" for kids on purpose to steer emotions in a certain way.

Let's get back to the Daily Wire article:

Gorsuch said that Judge B. Lynn Winmill, who blocked Idaho's law back in December, went too far in her decision.

"Ordinarily, injunctions like these may go no further than necessary to provide interim relief to the parties," he wrote. "In this case, however, the district court went much further, prohibiting a State from enforcing any aspect of its duly enacted law against anyone."

The Idaho law bans the use of puberty blockers, hormones, and surgeries like mastectomies on kids. Doctors who violate the law will face 10 years in prison.

The ACLU is representing two families with "trans" kids to fight the law because, well, of course, so the law still faces that challenge and other potential lawsuits from woke devotees in the future.

The ruling was the first time for the Supreme Court to weigh in on a state law shielding children from life-altering transgender procedures.

The Left has a model for how it wants to run the country that is underpinned by certain religious values and beliefs. Leftists often point the finger at conservatives for being the "theocratic fascists," but the religious fervor on the Left is far greater these days than anything on the lukewarm Christian right. Most leftists, at least the average voters, aren't pushing for transgender surgeries and abortion and open borders because they want to hurt people or the country, but because they believe it is the kind and tolerant and righteous thing to do.

We should strive to debate peacefully and lovingly with them so they may realize that we believe they are actually pushing policies that lead to chaos and death. After all:

  • An international group of over 100 clinicians and researchers published a paper in 2023 saying there is no scientific evidence for the concept of "gender identity." Rather, it is a philosophical/religious belief that has been imposed on science and medicine.
  • A study out of the Netherlands demonstrated that the vast majority of children grow out of gender dysphoria in their teen years.
  • The claim that denying "gender-affirming care" to kids does not hold up to scrutiny. One study on children in Finland stated bluntly: "Medical gender reassignment does not have an impact on suicide risk." Another in California that studied adults found that the attempted-suicide rate among men who had gender surgery was "twice as high" as it was before their operations.
  • England has now banned gender operations for children. French lawmakers have introduced a bill to do the same, calling these operations "one of the greatest ethical scandals in the history of medicine." Sweden has moved away from gender procedures on children, instead offering "psychological support to help youth live with the healthy body they were born with."
  • Other conservative US states such as Tennessee are passing similar bans due to their own research on the topic and their moral convictions.

I have to wonder: When will the average woke voter wake up, think hard about the issue of child hormone and genital mutilation, and think to themselves:

The answer? Sadly, probably not until long after the law is changed.

Thank the Lord for our federalist system with its checks and balances!

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