Sorry you can't feed your hungry baby right now but don't worry Congress is going to hold a hearing on the formula shortage in just two short weeks!
· May 12, 2022 ·

The infant formula shortage is quite literally a national emergency and Congress should be working round-the-clock to figuring out how to solve it immediately.

So it's good to know that they're getting right on it in just a couple of weeks!

Lawmakers on Capitol Hill will hold a hearing in two weeks on infant formula shortages, the House Energy and Commerce Committee said on Wednesday, as it called the situation 'increasingly alarming.'

The House of Representatives panel, which is scheduled to meet May 25, did not name any company executives or other witnesses, but said it would release more details before the meeting.

The hearing will focus on the shortage's causes, efforts to increase production, and what action is needed 'to ensure access to safe formula across the nation,' the committee chair, Representative Frank Pallone, a Democrat, said in a statement.

Here's a look at a ton of extremely hungry babies around the country:

And here's a look at the geniuses in Congress waiting around for May 25:

Take note of who's dillying and dallying over this awful crisis and remember it in November.

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