Texas Governor Greg Abbott Says It's The State's Duty To Prosecute Sex-Change Operations For Minors As Child Abuse ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
ยท Feb 28, 2022 ยท NottheBee.com

This is some real courage and guts from the Republican governor of Texas, Greg Abbott.

In a letter last week, Governor Abbott signaled that the state may begin to prosecute doctors who perform sex-change operations as child abusers, citing an opinion from the Attorney General in Texas, Ken Paxton.

From the letter:

Texas law imposes reporting requirements upon all licensed professionals who have direct contact with children who may be subject to such abuse, including doctors, nurses, and teachers, and provides criminal penalties for failure to report such child abuse. There are similar reporting requirements and criminal penalties for members of the general public.

So, in Texas, if there is child abuse happening and you don't report it, it's a crime.

And teachers, parents, doctors, who participate in this gender confusion and support puberty blockers and surgery are participating in child abuse. Abbott says "Texas law also imposes a duty" to investigate these cases.

The letter goes into detail:

The medical evidence does not demonstrate that children and adolescents benefit from engaging in these irreversible sterilization procedures. The prevalence of gender dysphoria in children and adolescents has never been estimated, and there is no scientific consensus that these sterilizing procedures and treatments even serve to benefit minor children dealing with gender dysphoria. As stated by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, "There is not enough high-quality evidence to determine whether gender reassignment surgery improves health outcomes for Medicare beneficiaries with gender dysphoria and whether patients most likely to benefit from these types of surgical intervention can be identified prospectively." Also, "several studies show a higher rate of regret at being sterilized among younger women than among those who were sterilized at a later age." 43 FED. REG. at 52,151, 52,152. This further indicates that minor children are not sufficiently mature to make informed decisions in this context.

This section of the letter establishes the obvious fact that children, who can't consent to any number of things, also should not be legally permitted to consent to gender reassignment surgery. This surgery often involves sterilization, and kids are in no position to make these types of choices.

More from the letter:

There is no evidence that long-term mental health outcomes are improved or that rates of suicide are reduced by hormonal or surgical intervention. "Childhood-onset gender dysphoria has been shown to have a high rate of natural resolution, with 61-98% of children reidentifying with their biological sex during puberty. No studies to date have evaluated the natural course and rate of gender dysphoria resolution among the novel cohort presenting with adolescent-onset gender dysphoria." One of the few relevant studies monitored transitioned individuals for 30 years. It found high rates of post-transition suicide and significantly elevated all-cause mortality, including increased death rates from cardiovascular disease and cancer, although causality could not be established. The lack of evidence in this field is why the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services rejected a nationwide coverage mandate for adult gender transition surgeries during the Obama Administration. Similarly, the World Professional Association for Transgender Health states that with respect to irreversible procedures, genital surgery should not be carried out until patients reach the legal age of majority to give consent for medical procedures in a given country.

The number one argument that the pro-trans propagandists always push is suicide rates. Saying that trans kids will kill themselves if this surgery isn't performed. But there's no evidence that these surgeries decrease the suicide risk AT ALL.

It's 100% manipulation by the rainbow jihad squad.

Abbott goes on:

The Texas Family Code is clearโ€”causing or permitting substantial harm to the child or the child's growth and development is child abuse. Courts have held that an unnecessary surgical procedure that removes a healthy body part from a child can constitute a real and significant injury or damage to the child...

By definition, procedures and treatments resulting in sterilization cause "physical injury that results in substantial harm to the child, or the genuine threat of substantial harm from physical injury to the child" by surgically altering key physical body parts of the child in ways that render entire body parts, organs, and the entire reproductive system of the child physically incapable of functioning. Thus, such procedures and treatments can constitute child abuse under section 261.001(1)(C). Even where the procedure or treatment does not involve the physical removal or alteration of a child's reproductive organs (i.e. puberty blockers), these procedures and treatments can cause "mental or emotional injury to a child that results in an observable and material impairment in the child's growth, development, or psychological functioning" by subjecting a child to the mental and emotional injury associated with lifelong sterilizationโ€”an impairment to one's growth and development.

Therefore, a court could find these procedures and treatments to be child abuse under section 261.001(1)(A). Further, attempts by a parent to consent to these procedures and treatments on behalf of their child may, if successful, "cause or permit the child to be in a situation in which the child sustains a mental or emotional injury that results in an observable and material impairment in the child's growth, development, or psychological functioning[,]" and could be child abuse under section 261.001(1)(B). Additionally, the failure to stop a doctor or another parent from conducting these treatments and procedures on a minor child can constitute a "failure to make a reasonable effort to prevent an action by another person that results in physical injury that results in substantial harm to the child[,]" and this "failure to make a reasonable effort to prevent" can also constitute child abuse under section 261.001(1)(D). Any person that conducts or facilitates these procedures or treatments could be engaged in child abuse, whether that be parents, doctors, counselors, etc.

This is a warning to parents wanting to trans their kids. It also takes aim at any counselor or doctor encouraging kids to transition.

Here's the summary:

Each of the "sex change" procedures and treatments enumerated above, when performed on children, can legally constitute child abuse under several provisions of chapter 261 of the Texas Family Code.

When considering questions of child abuse, a court would likely consider the fundamental right to procreation, issues of physical and emotional harm associated with these procedures and treatments, consent laws in Texas and throughout the country, and existing child abuse standards.

So, without having to pass any new laws, Texas is signaling that they have the right to prosecute parents, counselors, and doctors for abusing children if they engage in this transgender nonsense.

This is absolutely the right step to take. Other red states need to get their lawyers on the case and see if they can use child protection laws already on the books to stop the LGBT+ mafia.

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