Texas officially declares that performing sex-change surgeries on kids is child abuse
· Aug 13, 2021 · NottheBee.com

We're being told these days that having "top" or "bottom" surgery on little kids is actually going to make them healthier human beings.

The great state of Texas is calling BS on that lunacy, declaring that castrating kids is child abuse.

The state of Texas this week declared that performing transgender sex reassignment surgeries on minors constitutes child abuse.

Republican Gov. Greg Abbott made the announcement on Thursday after receiving a conclusive response on the matter from Texas Department of Family and Protective Services Commissioner Jaime Masters.

Abbott had reportedly directed the DFPS last week to issue a determination on whether "genital mutilation of a child for purposes of gender transitioning through reassignment surgery constitutes child abuse." In a response letter, Masters determined that it is.

"Genital mutilation of a child through reassignment surgery is child abuse," Masters wrote in her letter to the governor. "This surgical procedure physically alters a child's genitalia for non-medical purposes potentially inflicting irreversible harm to children's bodies."

Texas was right to call this "genital mutilation." Kudos to them for not using wokespeak. It's time for battle against the insanity that wants to devour our children.

Any professional – including but not limited to teachers, nurses, doctors, and daycare employees – who believes a family member or medical practitioner has harmed a child through genital mutilation must report the abuse within 48 hours or face criminal charges.

Failure to make a timely report about suspected abuse is considered a Class A misdemeanor and could result in jail time.

A provision is made for children who need surgery for medically necessary tissue repair due to a genetic condition, mechanical problem, or disease.

Protecting children is the number one priority for any society. Way to go, Texas! 😤

P.S. Now treat yourself to a quality brain break with our latest video about a psychotic deer rescuing a rabbit by stomping the life out of a freaking hawk:

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