Rep. Adam Schiff got censured by the House of Representatives yesterday because he's a hyper-partisan hack who used the federal government to persecute and antagonize another politician he didn't like. It's no more or less simple than that.
It was a richly satisfying thing to see. Almost as satisfying, meanwhile, was witnessing the plodding, geriatric energy on display when the Schiff Cheerleading Brigade stood up in Congress to show their support for their man:
It's a rough thing to watch. The combined age of everyone in this crowd is like 9,500 years old. Rep. Rosa Luisa DeLauro's purple hair makes the whole thing feel like a campus LGBT meeting. And they're cheering Adam Schiff, perhaps the weasel-iest, most cringeworthy, most anemic member of Congress in several generations.
If we're being honest, even Schiff himself looks kinda embarrassed by it all, like he knows that his miserable congressional career is not worth the hubbub.

Congratulations to Schiff for taking home the 2023 censure title!