The Salvation Army thinks you're a racist, oh and while you're here, spare some change?

Planet Moron

Nov 28, 2021

Sure, you could continue to fully focus your efforts on your decades-long mission of raising money to help the poor.

Yeah, you could do that.


You could embrace an explicitly racist agenda intended to create division and distrust!

Welcome to the new fully wokified Salvation Army.

What is it about human nature that drives people's need to curry favor with those who hate them?

The Salvation Army's latest attempt to win the love of the elite is a document they pushed on its people. It is a target-rich environment.

How target rich?

The document, or "resource" The Daily Wire links to is called "Let's Talk About Racism."

Sounds like fun!

How much fun?

The kind of fun with which we have grown all too familiar.

I should note first that the link The Daily Wire provides yields this result:


I just went to The Wayback Machine to find it.

Let's get started. The topic is racism.

Perhaps you don't feel as if you personally have done anything wrong,...


...Perhaps God spoke to you during your time of lament, and you have an idea of what you need to repent and apologize for.

In other words, you may not think you've done anything wrong but...

You've done something wrong.


This puts a thoroughly Christian spin on anti-racist wokeness. That is on purpose, of course.

The divisions between Black and White Americans in the Church run very deep. American slavery and the American church developed simultaneously, and slavery was largely endorsed and supported by the Church.

This takes a weird turn. It's not "Christianity is inherently racist" as The Daily Wire claimed in its write-up, but it does try to closely tie the Church to slavery. This is an unfair distinction. Lots of things developed simultaneously with slavery. Racism was rampant in America, and everywhere else in the world at the time. Singling out the Church is purposeful and misleading.

Lament requires us to search our hearts, determine where we have fallen and sincerely grieve. At this time, either alone or in a group, take time to lament. Acknowledge the Church's complicity with racism and discrimination (past and present) and engage in confession and lament of our shortcomings, both personal and corporate, for not actively fighting against racism.

Past and present.


Yep, this is full-on anti-racist training.

Many have come to believe that we live in a post-racial society,...

"Many." Not them, though, they have been enlightened and are here to shine a light on your own ignorance.

...but racism is very real for our brothers and sisters who are refused jobs and housing, denied basic rights and brutalized and oppressed simply because of the color of their skin.

Here we are, right back in 1950s Alabama. Now and forever.

We cannot rely on our Black and Brown brothers and sisters to educate us about racism, White supremacy and the inequalities that exist because of it.

Yep. The Salvation Army goes all in.

Did I say all in?

All. In.

The goal is not to become color-blind...

The goal is not to see a person for who he or she is, to see past their mortal shell and to their soul. No, this is the Salvation Army's new Christianity. We now need to embrace the mortal shell and make judgments based on it because only by being explicitly racist and worldly can we be anti-racist and spiritual.

Or something.

Color-blindness is often dangerous because while we may not claim to see color, we don't address the race-based stereotypes of beauty, fame and intelligence which often support a supremacist ideology.

Remember when I said this was a target-rich environment?

You may also have to fight off the tendency to project ‘colorblindness' onto POCs. To look beyond the appearance of a person of color neglects the cultural traumas that person and their earlier generations have met.


Stop trying to be ‘colorblind'. While this might sound helpful, it actually ignores the God-given differences we all possess, as well as the beautiful cultures of our Black and Brown brothers and sisters.


Instead of trying to be colorblind, try seeing the beauty in our differences,...


This is all so deceptive. Being colorblind does not mean you ignore "the beauty of our differences." It means you aren't racist, it means you don't make assumptions based on the color of someone's skin. It's not hard.

This is the trickery they pull all the time. It is intended to put you on the defensive and hope you won't notice.

One final bit of trickery.

Note Question #3:

I understand my own racial biases.

This is a leading question with no answer that does not involve you not being a racist.

"Strongly disagree?"

Oh, so you're saying you don't understand that you're a racist?

"Strongly agree?"

Oh, so you're saying you do understand that you're a racist?

I haven't even gotten to the appendix, nor the handy "Study Guide" The Salvation Army also provided. Perhaps another time. Suffice it to say that this document reeks of the explicitly racist thinking of the "anti-racists,"

However, before I let you go, we need to address The Army's desperate attempt to refute the charges.

The Salvation Army's Response to False Claims on the Topic of Racism

"False claims on the topic of racism."

Roll that one around your brain for a moment, particularly after having read up to this point.

Though we remain committed to serving everyone in need—regardless of their beliefs, their backgrounds, or their lifestyle—recently some individuals and groups have attempted to mislabel our organization to serve their own agenda(s). They have made outrageous claims that we believe our donors should apologize for their own racism.

To recap from above, from the document they are promoting:

"...and engage in confession and lament of our shortcomings, both personal and corporate, for not actively fighting against racism."

How is it "outrageous" to claim you said what you just said? And that's just one passage among many.

To continue:

...that The Salvation Army believes America is an inherently racist society,...

Again, from just a few moments ago:

We cannot rely on our Black and Brown brothers and sisters to educate us about racism, White supremacy and the inequalities that exist because of it.

And yet, they soldier on, pardon the pun.

Those claims are false, and they distort the very goal of our work.

No, they aren't. Provably so. If anything, it is The Salvation Army that is distorting, and worse, jeopardizing, the very goal of their work.

Then comes the, "we're-just-trying-to-encourage-discussion" defense.

The Salvation Army has occasionally published study guides on various complex topics, including race, to help foster positive conversations and reflection among Salvationists.

Telling people they're racists = "positive conversations."

Got that?

The hope is that by openly discussing these issues, we can encourage a more thoughtful organization that is better positioned to serve those in need. These guides are solely designed for internal use. No one is being told how to think. Period.

Sounds like a nerve was struck.

The very purpose of conversation is to share differing points of view and to hear from people with different experiences. Discussion is not indoctrination. It's what reasonable people do.

Okay, why not suggest some documents from Bob Woodson's "1776 Unites?" I mean, they are people with "different experiences."

It's what "reasonable people do," after all.

Or is someone who propounds the importance of hewing to Martin Luther King's dream of a colorblind society insufficient to gain the favor of Hollywood and Big Tech?

The Salvation Army does great work, but this racist thinking is infecting and poisoning too many sectors of our society and it won't stop until they are called out for it and punished.

However, we don't want the innocents they help to suffer, too. So please offer your own suggestions in the comments for where your donations could do the most good, and would be administered by organizations that better reflect your values, and the values of America.

Without apologies.

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