This is just brutal:
The online fans of Vice President Kamala Harris call themselves the "KHive" on Twitter and they are losing faith in her as her poll numbers continue to crater. ...
Some said that she simply didn't meet up to their ideal as a social justice reformer.
"I would never, ever say that I regret supporting the first Black woman vice president, ever. But the disappointment is real," said one self-described former KHive member. "I was obsessed with the idea of this person who could undo the systemic, the systematic racism and sexism and heterosexism in government with one fell swoop, and now I'm thinking to myself, did I just make up a person in my head who could do those things?"
Man sometimes you just got to look away from this sort of thing.

From the Daily Beast article:
Reecie Colbert, who was once one of the most visible and controversial members of the #KHive, told The Daily Beast that while she's "a staunch VP supporter and always will be," she hasn't identified as a member of the community in nearly two years.
Of course, sometimes you gotta look back, too:

Back to The Blaze:
Another said KHive members have moved on to support other Democrat politicians.
"Her supporters continue to defend her from unfair, baseless attacks, but now that she's in office, they have largely pivoted to helping elect more Democrats at the federal, state, and local levels who will provide support for the Biden-Harris policy agenda," said Chris Evans.
Oh suuuure, that's it. They're basically saying to Kamala: "We still love you, we just want to see other people!"

Let her down easy, folks! She's hurting right now!
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