A mob carried out numerous attacks on NYC Jews yesterday, some involving explosives. Where is the outcry?
· May 21, 2021 · NottheBee.com

Yesterday, a literal mob of Islamist-supporting neckbeards decided they were going to harass and attack Jewish residents of New York City in broad daylight.

I won't refer to them as "pro-Palestinian" since the Palestinian people are diverse and don't all wish genocide upon Jews everywhere. Instead, I'll refer to the people supporting a worldview based on blood and terror as "the mob."

Attacks on Jewish residents have been happening for weeks, but one that went viral Wednesday was a mob assault outside a bagel shop. One of the two Jewish men attacked said he had tried to hide an Israeli flag he was carrying (he had removed it from his motorcycle when he parked it downtown so his bike wouldn't get trashed), but the mob saw it and pounced.

[Warning: Language and violence in every video that follows]

Despite being assaulted, police officers arrested one of the men before driving him home and telling him to stay inside for his own safety.

Think about that for a second. This is America's largest and most diverse city and a Jewish man was told to stay inside to he doesn't get mobbed or murdered!

Things have only gotten more tense in the city since. On Thursday evening, there were attacks on Jews across the city, including two large commercial-grade fireworks thrown at Jewish residents in the Diamond District:

Elsewhere, the mob attacked Jewish diners at a restaurant:

Here were police officers escorting a man who'd been beaten by the mob out of what appears to be the main branch of the New York Library and into a store across the street to keep him safe:

And here was the scene in Times Square last night, where pro-Israeli protesters were attacked by the counter-protest mob that showed up:

After police broke up the fighting, some of the protesters decided to wander the streets and attack anyone who presumably looked Jewish enough:

It's not only happening in New York, however. It's happening all over the world. This was London earlier this week, where the mob openly called for Jews to be killed and their daughters to be raped:

Such open calls for genocide are also happening in Los Angeles, Germany, Michigan, and Canada – in major cities of the nations that are supposed to be the most tolerant and free.

So where's the outcry?

Surely, despite disagreements over land ownership in a country that's slightly larger than New Jersey, we can agree that there shouldn't be worldwide calls for genocide and rape on our city streets?

Even if you disagree with the Israeli government, it should be easy to disavow anyone who attacks your fellow American citizens instead of letting them be assaulted simply for their religion and ethnicity, right?

History has repeated itself in this matter too many times to count.

People always ask how it could have happened, yet we're watching it unfold right now. Speak up.

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