A wise poet once declared: "As the danger recedes, the hysteria ramps up." Nowhere is that more true with COVID-19, and nowhere is it more concentrated than on the subject of COVID and kids.
Case in point: We now have about two years' worth of data showing that the coronavirus is just not that dangerous to kids. And yet they are apparently moving toward making your kids double-mask when going to school:
NBC News suggested Tuesday that kids should double mask as students return to school after winter vacation and the country grapples with the rise of the omicron coronavirus variant.
"I actually just sent my kids out the door, minutes ago, with two masks," NBC investigative and consumer correspondent Vicky Nguyen said on "Today."
Nguyen said KN95 or N95 masks are preferred but it's "really hard to find them in small kid sizes" so having children wear two masks was the next-best solution.
Actually—and not to contradict a Today Show consumer correspondent here—but the first-best solution and the next-best solution are both "don't require kids to strap on hot, uncomfortable, psychologically-damaging masks day in and day out over a virus that poses no statistical threat to them."

Note that multiple experts have gone on the record disputing the federal government's data used to justify masking requirements in schools, and that (again, it bears repeating) children are at vanishingly low risk from COVID-19 anyway, regardless of whether or not masks actually work at stopping the spread of the disease.
Maybe the solution is to just let children resume their normal lives instead of forcing them to shoulder the burdens of society's anxieties!

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