This guy shawshanked his way out of North Korea by donning flippers and a wet suit and crawling through a pipe.
· Feb 19, 2021 ·

Seoul, South Korea is reporting that a North Korean man was discovered this week having crossed the eastern maritime border undetected. They found him walking down a road around 4am.

According to the New York Times,

The latest infiltrator from the North swam across the border on Tuesday, coming ashore south of the 2.5-mile-wide Demilitarized Zone, or DMZ, the no-man's buffer zone that separated the two Koreas after the war, the South Korean military said in a statement on Wednesday.

They actually aren't sure yet if he is a defector or has more nefarious motives. All South Korea knows is that he evaded their own early detection system when he crossed over.

There have been over 33,000 people who have defected to South Korea since the famine in the '90s. And it's a difficult task to accomplish, since North Korea would rather gun you down in the back than have you leave them. So, people have resorted to some pretty incredible feats to evade detection.

But this fellow's mode of travel is reminiscent of one of the greatest escape scenes in modern cinematic history.

He came ashore by crawling through a drain beneath a barbed-wire fence that South Korea erected along the frontier beaches to deter North Korean infiltrators.

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