This lady stopped plucking her bushy eyebrows and removing her mustache in order to "weed out conservative people" from her life
· Mar 3, 2021 ·

So this lady stopped plucking her, uh, very voluminous eyebrows and also stopped removing her stache and now people are writing articles about her.

Oh also she doesn't shave her legs anymore.


So she can feel good about not conforming to society's standards of femininity. And also it "weeds out conservatives" from her life.

"The reaction is actually almost completely positive, but I am sure that there are some negative comments behind my back, but I don't really care about that. I have noticed a few grown men stare at my unshaven legs and my eyebrows like I had a third head. ... If anything, I get more positive attention and I get to weed out the more conservative people from the beginning."

I'll bet it does the trick!

Here's a "before" pic for reference:

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