This concerned mom posted on Facebook because she didn't like the idea of her child's school indoctrinating young kids into radical gender theory and sexuality, and for her protected speech she was targeted by military officials and local police.
Free speech in America today!

Angela Reading is a law student and a mom who was not too pleased that her young kids were being exposed to teachings on LGBT sexuality in school.
North Hanover Township Elementary School in New Jersey put up a few posters talking about the range of genders and different types of sexuality and displayed it in the hallways of the school.
Kids that age don't even like the opposite gender yet in many cases, and they were pushing homosexuality, polysexuality, transgenderism, and the whole LGBT rainbow on them without parental approval.
Reading spoke out against it by posting to the school's Facebook and was, in her own words, treated like a terrorist for it.
The filing alleges that North Hanover Township Police Chief Robert Duff and military personnel from Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst compelled the removal of Reading's Nov. 22 Facebook post about posters featuring terms like "polysexual," "pansexual" and "genderqueer" displayed in the school hallway.
Here is her totally extremist post:
On Nov. 23, 2023, the suit claims, U.S. Army Lt. Col. Christopher Schilling used his personal email account to criticize Reading's Facebook post "in an email to parents and local school staff members, complaining (among other things) that, according to him, Mrs. Reading did not understand that the term 'polysexual' means 'simply an attraction to many genders and identities' — as if to say that impressionable young children should be acquainted with this bizarre and sexually freighted concept."
He also posted a Facebook status calling Angela a threat!
For all you good ol' boys out there who think the military would side with you and fight the pedo commies, take note.
This Army Lt. Colonel got personally involved in this case and used his work email, flaunting his rank and status in the military, to shame this mom who doesn't want her kids groomed at schools.
The utter state of our military leaders.
The Founding Fathers are now rolling in their graves at warp speed.
Angela went on Tucker Carlson's show to discuss this utter travesty.
This is one of many emails obtained in the lawsuit and another commander was listed in the suit as a defendant for also using his government email to try to squelch the free speech of a concerned parent.
On Nov. 25, Schilling allegedly sent another email to parents and staffers calling for an "ethics complaint against Mrs. Reading because her Facebook post was supposedly 'stirring up right wing extremists.'" Two days later, Schilling sent another email saying he was "reaching out to other resources in the area to gather support for this issue," which the lawsuit surmises is "likely when he began involving military personnel in his vendetta."
Days later, the colonel emailed the school to get them to remove the Facebook post that he disagreed with, demanding that the school curtail a person's speech.
Thomas More Society Special Counsel Christopher Ferrara said in a statement that Reading's Facebook post was made as a private citizen, sharing her experience attending a "math night" at the school where her daughter encountered LGBT-affirming posters. She questioned why elementary children were being exposed to such topics, which are not part of the state educational standards or approved curriculum.
"This intention to trigger a preposterous widespread law enforcement investigation and state of alarm over Mrs. Reading's protected speech as if it were an 'incident' of potential, or even actual criminality, is a violation of Mrs. Reading's civil rights," Ferrara said.
The school is not even supposed to be teaching this woke gender nonsense. It's not in the curriculum. And this mom called them out for covertly indoctrinating little kids. Then a member of the US military got mad and attempted to abuse his power to shut her up. The police were even contacted BY THE MILITARY because of the social media conversation.
The woke military brass beholden to the Marxist rainbow sex cult will not mutiny against leftist politicians who want to throw you in the gulag for believing there are two genders. They will carry out their orders with GLEE.

To make matters worse, local police pressured her to remove her post:
Reading went on to reveal that she learned of Schilling's apparent qualms with her post from the administrator of the school Facebook group where she published her complaint, who told her that the chief of the North Hanover Police Department, Robert Duff, reached out urging her to remove it.
The mom recalled the pressure she felt after learning she was under scrutiny by the police force, telling Carlson how she thought to herself 'I don't want Homeland Security coming after me. Take the post down. I don't want to be dealing with this.'
Eventually, she relented - despite the post not containing anything illegal nor anything that went against Facebook's terms and services.
The lack of spine on that police chief!
The mom, Reading, has had to pull her kids from the school, send them to costly private school, and has dropped out of law school herself because of the harassment from the military and police.
Again, all because she called the school out on their grooming.