This "White Dudes for Harris" ad is probably the most ridiculous thing I've seen in my life
· Sep 29, 2024 ·

Oh man, this is going to change so many minds.

The "White Dudes for Harris" group put out an ad that, from all appearances, seems to have been written by an AI program which was itself written by a feminist who hates men and thinks all white men are racist.

Or by Mark Hamill and Sean Astin. One of those options.

Bruh. This is a real ad.

Hey, white dudes. I think we're all pretty sick of hearing how much we suck. Every time we go online it's the same story. We're the problem. And yeah, some white dudes are!

This ad is literally, "Yes, all white men are evil, racist, bigoted, homophobes, and the source of all the world's problems. Especially Bad Orange Man. But if you vote for Kamala all your sins will be forgiven!"

The whole idea of a "white dudes for Harris" campaign tells you one thing. White dudes aren't voting for Kamala. If they were they wouldn't be receiving targeted ads.

Imagine, if you will, a Trump ad that started with the phrase, "Hey, white dudes!"

The media would call the campaign racist, sexist, bigoted. They'd say Trump was recruiting a new KKK if he tried to appeal to white male voters explicitly.

But here we have Kamala's crew pushing this insanity.

Shapiro destroyed this ad in Shapiro fashion, in case you missed it.

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