Toronto is considering a "rain tax" because apparently all the other taxes aren't enough

What kind of leftist utopian tax experiment is this?



Bro, a rain tax?

What does that even mean, like, every time it rains I get a bill in the mail? How do we add that up, Toronto?

The city's proposal calls it a wastewater usage tax, and it's based on the amount of rainwater generated from residents' hard surfaces, such as driveways and roofs.

Though still in its feedback phase of consideration, the proposal currently states that properties with more hard surfaces would incur higher taxes, as these surfaces contribute to runoff that can overwhelm the city's sewer system during storms.

Oh, so it's simply another progressive tax which takes more from those who have more and less from those who have less. Don't know how I didn't see that one coming!

What's next, Toronto, a cloud tax? A sunny day tax? Possibly an Earth's rotation tax?

If you own more property you have more stuff that spins!

Believe it or not, there are rain taxes in other municipalities surrounding Toronto as well, so this isn't a new idea. It is, however, just another excuse for the government to take your money. They'll say they need the money to fix their massively outdated water infrastructure, but we all know they just ran out of all the other money we gave them and now they need more.

Man, a rain tax. That sounds like an SNL skit from back in the day when SNL was funny. I can see Elizabeth Warren now doing a rain dance next to one of Donald Trump's properties in hopes that he'll pay more in taxes.

A little more on this wastewater usage tax:

A statement from the city says they would categorize residents according to their property size.

"For properties less than one hectare in size, there would be a tiered, flat rate stormwater charge based on the average hard surface area of all properties in each tier."

"Property tiers are determined by property size ranges for different property types - residential, multi-residential and condominium, and industrial commercial and institutional," it reads.

The idea was previously considered in 2017 under then-Mayor John Tory but was ultimately dismissed as impractical.

"Was ultimately dismissed as impractical."

Wow, what a line!

Maybe, just maybe, Toronto, we should go back to being practical. I know the mayor is a socialist and there's no reason to try to convince her not to take more of people's money, but man, a rain tax...

That's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard of. No wonder you're calling it a wastewater usage tax.

I can't.

Here's a little rain-tax news segment from our peeps out in Toronto:

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