Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to AJ Hurley.
AJ Hurley is a pro-life activist who has been in DC these past two days standing for the unborn and proclaiming the gospel in the "belly of the beast" to the pro-abortion activists who are freaking out over the potential Dobbs ruling.
Yesterday, we saw this same dude confront a feeble Elizabeth Warren about her pro-death stance:
Today, we have videos of this same guy confronting hoards of pro-aborts with the Gospel of Christ.
The protests included the pro-death group shouting, shoving, and spitting on the pro-life protestors. Their behavior is exactly what you'd expect from worshippers of Moloch.
Here's video from The Daily Wire's Mary Margaret Olohan:
[Strong Language Ahead]
So, the pro-aborts successfully pushed most of the pro-life contingent away. But one man stayed behind.
AJ Hurley.
Here Hurley is seen talking to the violent protestors who are seen yelling "F*** your Jesus" "burn the Bible" and other disgusting things as Hurley presents the gospel.
I'm afraid to ask, but whose blood is that supposed to be on the woman's body? Because she and the abortion doctors are the only ones with blood on their hands.
Hurley is saying "I love you all! I was once like you!" and the activists continue to shout horrible obscenities at him.
After this episode, he was interviewed by Mary Margaret Olohan and explained why he was there.
We just, we're in the belly of the beast trying to be a voice in a group of thousands of people who don't care about life.
They have no concern with life and they have no love in their hearts. It's unbelievable that a bunch of people could gather out here for the right to dismember and disembowel their children in the womb.
It's disgusting and despicable.
In an abortion, women are killing THEIR children. Not just some clump of cells, and not just someone they have no attachment to. They are killing their own flesh and blood.
Then there's the redemptive gospel message that Hurley boldly proclaimed.
I was just trying to tell them that I once was like them. I love them. That God loves them more than they hate themselves and the shame that they feel inside.
God loves them more than their mistakes. And that there's freedom and mercy and grace and kindness at the foot of the cross and that the blood of Christ could be theirs...
His mercy and forgiveness and peace and reconciliation and healing is ready if they would just turn from their sin. Turn from their wickedness and embrace him as Christ.
When asked how he felt about the dangerous situation, his answer further exhibits his faith.
Because what happened to me in there, the spitting in my face, the assault and everything is nothing compared to the 3,000 dismembered and disemboweled children and what they suffer every single day...
What happened to me is nothing compared to what Christ endured and what these babies go through every single day.
This is a bold gospel witness. Unafraid of the evil he is facing and clothed in the armor of God.
He's there to save lives and save souls.
We need more Christian men like AJ.
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇