Watch: Psychopath confronts man because he lets two-year-old daughter wear pink clothes
· May 2, 2023 ·

Just when I thought I had seen the worst clowns of all time, a new bozo enters the arena and takes the prize.

Watch this woke Karen who thought it was her duty to confront a father because his little girl, two years old, wears the color pink.




This lady comes in with all her super-liberal, super-woke talking points about gender norms, gender fluidity, and sexuality. Meanwhile, this guy is just doing his best to raise his little girl as a little girl.

And she has the AUDACITY to claim the DAD is confusing his baby girl on gender.

Karen: It's my concern because I believe the world has got better since we've had all of these fluidity with genders and different type of genders now. And I think by dressing someone in pink - if she doesn't want to be a girl when she's older, if she wants to be transsexual or transgender or whatever then she'll have been dressed in pink and you would have confused her.

Ahh yes, the way NOT to confuse young people is to deny the differences between the sexes, dress them in a gender-neutral, or gender-nonconforming way, and then let them decide what they want to be while they're still too young to comprehend anything about adulthood.

It's the Iron Law of Woke Projection.

Whatever they accuse you of doing is what they are doing themselves.

Dressing a girl like a girl isn't confusing. It's not abusive.

But this lady insisting that strangers abide by her moral dictates is.

We are officially in Clown World.

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