"You can't go back!": This detransitioner's testimony is the definition of heartbreaking
· Sep 9, 2022 · NottheBee.com

This testimony from someone who was deceived into believing they were born in the wrong body is absolutely heartbreaking.

He tells you the truth about the transgender movement and the permanent damage the pro-trans folks are doing to children.

[Warning: Language]

I'm angry! What's going to happen to the kids and the youth? And there's so many, there's so many people who regret this.

There's more and more and more coming out, and younger too. Puberty blockers, they've been on puberty blockers.

He then goes on to talk about an example he's read online about a young man whose sexual organs have been permanently damaged thanks to the drugs these "gender-affirming" doctors are giving to adolescents.

What we're gonna get is a generation that's screwed up... when we get 30-40 year olds who are gonna be like "what the f*** did I do when I was 16?" And you can't go back. You can't go back.

I'm sad for myself, of course, not in a victim kind of way, but this process of mourning who I was is touch and go.

But I'm sad for humanity and the children and what's gonna happen. I mean they're screwed up. We're gonna see what's gonna happen. And I really, really hope that all these professionals get their freaking karma.

This is a man that is completely broken. He's hurt himself but he's also worried about the THOUSANDS of children who are going through the same deception at the hands of radicals and activists.

Lives destroyed, and for what?

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