Three dozen Chicago public schools had 100% of student-assigned tech devices "marked lost or stolen," $23 million lost in one year
· Jan 11, 2024 ·

It's good to see that Chicago Public Schools is as good at managing expensive tech equipment as it is at educating children and overseeing a hard-left teacher's union:

An annual report from the Inspector General of Chicago Public Schools (CPS) revealed that millions of dollars worth of tech devices were reported lost or stolen "without appropriate search and recovery efforts."

The fiscal year 2023 annual report released Tuesday states CPS schools reported 77,505 tech devices as lost or stolen during the 2021-22 school year, totaling well over $23 million in original purchase price.

Twenty-three million, that's:

The staggering list of missing materials includes "laptops, iPads, Wi-Fi hotspots, printers, document cameras and interactive whiteboards." Interactive whiteboards! Some kid was apparently enterprising enough to steal a whiteboard.

And the loss wasn't evenly distributed: In some places it reached absolute maximum level.

At three dozen schools, 100 percent of tech devices assigned specifically to students were marked lost or stolen, inventory data showed.

One. Hundred. Percent.

You'd think school officials would pretty quickly realize that this system wasn't working and be done with it. I mean, if dozens of expensive pieces of equipment are just vanishing, it's time to pull the plug, and quickly.

But don't worry, Chicago Public Schools said in a statement that it's going to take the right approach to addressing this crisis:

In a district where more than 72 percent of students are from economically disadvantaged families, it is crucial that we are sensitive to our families as we conduct any device recovery efforts.

Ah, so it's okay for them to steal iPads because oppression or racism or whatever.

Anyway, just gonna drop this line from my boy CS Lewis here as you ponder why all that public-sponsored education isn't making the kids into better citizens:

Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more clever devil.

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