YOUR tax dollars are now funding DRAG SHOWS in other countries as woke imperialism continues apace
· Oct 20, 2022 ·

The very idea that a single penny paid in taxes would be going to fund drag shows is totally insane. But what's even MORE insane is that money going to the State Department, of all places, is being used in foreign countries to import drag shows there.

It's not enough that we destroy our own culture, we have to import our perverted culture to places like Ecuador.

From Fox News:

The U.S. Department of State has awarded more than $20,000 for a cultural center in Ecuador to host "drag theater performances" in the name of diversity and inclusion.

The State Department awarded a $20,600 grant on Sept. 23 to the Centro Ecuatoriano Norteamericano (CEN), a non-profit organization supported by the U.S. Embassy and Consulate in Ecuador, to "promote diversity and inclusion" in the region.

The project at CEN, which started Sept. 30 and runs until Aug. 31, 2023, will include "3 workshops," "12 drag theater performances," and a "2-minute documentary," according to the State Department's grant listed on the website.

YAY! Inclusion!

We are SO inclusive that our government is spending our hard-earned tax dollars to put on DRAG THEATER PERFORMANCES in freaking Ecuador!

What are we doing here?

The grant to CEN is part of the State Department's public diplomacy program, which seeks to "support the achievement of U.S. foreign policy goals and objectives, advance national interests, and enhance national security by informing and influencing foreign publics and by expanding and strengthening the relationship between the people and government of the United States and citizens of the rest of the world," the website states.

Oh, I am SO glad that we are advancing our national interests and national security by giving money to artsy theaters to put on drag shows!

That'll make us safer!

This is what your State Department thinks is a good use of money. It's to promote "DiVeRsITy aNd InClUsIoN"!

Gotta love how the same people who decry "nationalism" and "colonialism" are busy trying to push their own sex religion on other cultures!

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