Future generations will judge America harshly for its trans butchery

Peter Heck

Feb 20, 2023

The Christian Post ran a story a few weeks ago citing a study conducted by a collective of health care professionals, doctors, and policymakers called Do No Harm. According to the report, the United States is unique to the world in its aggressive enactment of extreme gender ideology.

"While Europe goes a safer and more scientific route," the study notes, the United States has been extremely lax in protecting children and teenagers from accessing dangerous procedures like "sex reassignment surgeries."

Sex reassignment surgeries include the removal of both testicles (orchiectomy), chopping off a penis (penectomy) in an attempt to create a vagina (vaginoplasty) — a procedure that leads to frequent infections — or the removal of tissue from a patient's arms or legs to create a fake penis (phalloplasty) that doesn't look natural, is flaccid and cannot function.

There is little doubt that when the history of our time is written, future generations will see that Western Civilization – once responsible for lifting the world from the so-called "unenlightened dark ages" – has perpetrated one of the most barbaric, ritual mutilation regimes in history. And we will have justified it all in the name of those "enlightened" values: equality, justice, freedom, autonomy, rights, self-esteem.

Consider even the language manipulation that has been systematically concocted and propagated. When Utah moved to ban sex-mutilation surgery from being performed on children, media reports panned the Salt Lake State for standing against "gender-affirming care."

That's what we allow the experts and professional class to get away with calling their barbarism: "gender-affirming care." What's ironic, of course, is that the individual's sex/gender is not being affirmed in these procedures at all. It's being manipulated and mutilated. If words still had meaning, if up was still up and down still down, "gender-affirming care" would actually be the sane and moral practice of reinforcing biological and physiological reality rather than fueling delusion.

Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, lawmakers seem to be learning the deadly consequences of buying in on the anti-science trans craze.

A Scottish man named Isla Bryson, guilty of two separate rape convictions, began publicly identifying as a woman and secured transfer to a women's prison. Condemnation from women's rights advocates like famous author J.K. Rowling were loud and dripping with condescending sarcasm:

TERF stands for "Trans-Exclusionary" Radical Feminist, the demeaning acronym assigned by transgender activists to feminists like Rowling who believe being a woman entails something more than mere cosmetic alterations. Rowling also pointed out testimony of other women prisoners who have been subjected to so-called "trans women" (that is, men who pretend they are women) sharing their jail cells.

But unlike in the United States where this type of outrage is met with impotent silence from a pandering political class in both parties, all this attention motivated the Scottish government to institute changes. Initially billed as a "pause to provide clarity," Scotland's first minister announced recently that, "There has never been an automatic right for a trans woman to serve their sentence in a female prison, and that any such moves would be "subject to rigorous and robust risk assessment."

A victory for sanity, but not without stirring up the beehive of activists posing as journalists. It's somewhat comforting to know that these folks exist in more places than just here in the United States. Watch this exchange recognizing that the badgering activist/journalist Peter Smith doesn't seem to realize he's the one oblivious to what we all know but just aren't saying:

Don't get me wrong, Scotland's First Minister doesn't come off here as a pillar of grounded honesty. She's doing a silly verbal dance around the obvious. No, of course "trans women" aren't actual women. Women are biological females and this "trans woman" label is a different, albeit unnecessarily complicated, way of saying "confused man."

Europe isn't as far gone as us it seems, but the entire house of cards will soon collapse, there's little doubt of that. The only question remains how many boys and girls will be brutalized, how many confused souls will be mutilated, and how many women will be victimized before it does.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Not the Bee or any of its affiliates.

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