We have to give major props to the people who are willing to walk the walk on this and not just talk the talk:
The president of the Cheyenne Tennis Association board has resigned in protest over the organization's decision to let a transgender player compete in the women's open division of this weekend's annual Wyoming Governor's Cup tournament in Cheyenne.
"I think a man playing against a woman is a very unfair matchup when it's specifically meant for women in that specific draw," said Jackie Fulkrod, who resigned her position on the board last week. "I feel like having a transgender athlete compete in the women's draw is against my personal integrity and what I believe and value."
Mad respect, ma'am.

Brooklyn Ross himself claimed that his participation in women's tournaments has "always been positive and good." I assume he means for it's been good for he himself, not for the women he's played against. But whatever.
Notably, Wyoming did recently pass legislation barring boys from competing in girl's sports. But that's only at school-sanctioned events from middle school through high school. The Governor's Cup is not a collegiate event and thus does not enjoy those protections.
Fulkrod, whose mother also dropped out of the tennis association and who said several sponsors have done the same, put it succinctly: "In a women's single (division) you should expect to compete against women."
What a radical idea. Let's hope we can get to that point again.