Biden chose the far-left Council on American-Islamic Relations to fight antisemitism ... guess what it's doing instead?
ยท Oct 15, 2023 ยท

More of what we'd expect from the Biden administration right here:

The warning signs were there โ€” the Council on American-Islamic Relations, and especially it's executive director and co-founder, Nihad Awad, has a history of supporting Hamas โ€” yet, still the Biden administration chose CAIR in May to "educate religious communities about steps they can take to protect their houses of worship from hate incidents" as part of the National Strategy to Combat Anti-Semitism.

At the time, critics slammed the White House for partnering with CAIR, which has a history of anti-Semitism and was linked to Hamas in a federal terrorism case in 2007.

And those vocal critics, well, it looks like they were right, because look at this.

CAIR cast blame for the attack squarely on Israel. On Monday, the group urged lawmakers to "address the root causes of Mideast violence," which it attributed to the "Israeli government's apartheid policies."

Nihad Awad, the executive director of CAIR, referred to Israel as a "settler colonial Apartheid state" in the wake of the attacks, and decried the placement of the Israeli flag on the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Awad wrote on social media that "Israel=Russia," and called on President Joe Biden to condemn Israel, but not the Hamas attackers. "You must condemn the occupier not the occupied," Awad wrote.

So they're openly condoning Hamas' brutal invasion of Israel, where they targeted family homes, shooting women, babies, and pets (y'all probably didn't even see the video of a Hamas terrorist laughing as he repeatedly shot a protective dog). These are the same folks you'll see marching in the streets with Palestinian flags calling for "one solution" to deal with Israel, and Biden chose them to help fight antisemitism.

So maybe, just maybe, when we put groups in positions to fight antisemitism we should make sure they're not antisemitic themselves.

It's not like this hasn't been CAIR's position since its founding.

CAIR's anti-Israel views have been known for years. In 2007, CAIR leaders were linked to Hamas at a federal trial for the Holy Land Foundation, a Texas-based Islamic charity. A founder of CAIR's Texas chapter was sentenced to 65 years in prison in the case.

Zaira Billoo, the executive director of CAIR's San Francisco chapter, has labeled mainstream Jewish groups as "enemies" and defended Hamas's firing of rockets into Israel. In 2015, she asked: "When was the last time Hamas instituted a siege against a people?"

The organization, like all radical Islamic groups that see Marxism as an ally in destroying Western/Christian civilization, loves violence and hate. This has been known for years.

So why did Biden endorse this group?

Well, a lot of it has to do with the fact that Americans have become fat and stupid and he knows he can get away with it. After all, there are millions of Americans out there who thought the Inflation Reduction Act had anything to do with reducing inflation.

Until the American people start paying attention, lefties like Biden will keep promoting groups that exist to push hate in prestigious positions meant to combat hate!

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